Photographic Walk Around Calderstones Park, Liverpool

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Seen as we had some nice weather in Liverpool the other day, it seemed like a good time to head out on a little photography mission. Calderstones Park is a decent size park in South Liverpool and was the location for the little photography outing. I tried to get some different shots of the park and thought I'd share them. If you are from Liverpool or ever come to visit, it worth dropping by the park for a wander around.

These two photos above proved a little more difficult to get that I first thought as they liked to move around a lot just as I had the photo lined up.

These flower photos were my attempt at a bit more of an arty photo and I really like picking a focus point of the photo and blurring out the background.

These next two photos were taken with my GoPro and I love the wide angle perspective it gives to capture everything. © . Theme by STS.