Grooming & Growing A Beard

Monday 13 March 2017

When it comes to grooming, I've tried a number of different options. It takes me a longer than the average guy to try and grow a beard I'd be happy with so I normally just end up shaving it off. I do get quite envious when you see a well-groomed beard as they can look really stylish. Having a look through the infographic above, it's quite interesting to find out some facts about a beard. There is more to it than just a bit of hair on your face. Going back to the Middle Ages, it was taken a lot more seriously with a duel ensuing if you touched the beard of another man. They must have been very proud of their beards back then. Whenever you go for a shave, it's only a few minutes of your day and then you're all sorted. You would never think that all these short sessions total up to around 3,350 hours spent in the bathroom over a man's lifetime.

I have tried a few different methods with shaving and switched up the products I use. When I first started out shaving I had a small electric razor to trim away those first bits of hair, however, this ended up bringing me out in quite a bad rash. I ended up trying out wet shaving which started to give me better results with a cleaner shave while giving a range of shaving foams and creams a run for their money. As it turns out I do have sensitive skin which has contributed to my soreness after shaving. Reading through some of these facts above coupled with the sore skin I get is making me consider trying to grow a beard. 

All things considered, I think you need the right tools to grow a beard and be patient. I think I'd be one to be consistently grooming it to keep it neat as I need to look smart at work, so something such as this electric beard trimmer would be ideal. Since reading over this infographic I feel a bit more informed and ready to start taking the steps to grow a successful beard. 

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