Top Tips For Saving On Business Storage Costs

Tuesday 16 May 2017

When running a business, you need to balance your income with your expenditure. Thinking about how you store your stock as a business can be a great way to help reduce the costs. I worked in a supermarket for around 6 years and some of this was in a warehouse so I've seen my fair share of what goes on. I've pulled together some top tips in this post to help you reduce your business storage costs.

Pallet Racking

Custom made palettes and racks are a great way to lower extra costs and ensure you can have a smooth running of items. They give you an option to make the most of the workable space you have which is often going to be a much more cost-efficient way to utilise the space. It would also save you having to invest in additional floor space when you have it there already. For business in the North West, you can get price quotes for pallet racking in Manchester from Warehouse Storage Solutions. Using local business services is a quick and easy way to expand your warehouse space. The last thing you want to be doing is to spend time trawling through websites trying to find quotes or having to travel longer distances than you need when you just want to get on with running your business.

Organising Your Data

Some companies may still prefer to organise documents on paper, and others are utilising technology to help them keep track. Having a logical order to your stock records is essential to make sure you find the information you need. It may also be important for multiple employees to search through your data depending on the size of your business, to find out stock levels, so having it well kept and easy to use will be key.


Carrying out regular stock takes are so important to ensure you always know what stock you actually have. If you do them more often it will be able to flag up missing stock before it turns into a bigger problem. Another bonus of carrying out inventories is that you may find you have additional stock to what you thought, which means you don't have to order any more as soon which will help your cash flow and expenditure. You can get help with carrying out inventories from Canvas Applications to make the process easier. As a business, you don't want to have too much stock sitting on shelves that doesn't sell quick enough as you could have spent the money on something more pressing.

Location Signs

Using signs in the different areas of your warehouse will make finding your stock quicker and easier. It may also be a good idea to record this location information within your stock records. This may be a time-consuming process to collect all of the location data, but it will be worth it in the long run. Think about IKEA, for the larger items you pick up a ticket with its location in the warehouse and can find the product within a matter of minutes as you have its exact spot readily available. Having this kind of process for regular warehouse activity will make the whole process much slicker.

*This post is sponsored by Warehouse Storage Solutions Limited, however, all opinions are my own. © . Theme by STS.