Xupo Bluetooth Tracker Review & Giveaway

Saturday 6 May 2017

Bluetooth trackers have become the items getting attached to people's items that tend to go walkabouts a little too often. I'm not going to lie, I seem to misplace my personal belongings more than the average person. I can walk into the living room with my keys in hand and place them down, yet somehow manage to 'forget' where I've put them by the time I get up from the sofa five minutes later. I've also spent too long looking for said items, something that may now be a thing of the past.

I love my gadgets and tech so was excited when I was asked if I'd like to review one of the Xupo Bluetooth trackers*. This little key saviour could be the way to stop me losing my items, all in a package not much larger than a two pound coin at 5mm thin, 35mm in diameter and only weighing in at 10 grams. The range of the tracker is around 50 metres, but I've found this will drop if using it indoors due to walls interfering with the signal but this seems to happen with almost every wireless device. Depending on how clumsy you are, you can get them in packs of one, three or five which range from £19.99 to £75.00. They have even set up a giveaway with the chance for you to win one of these little devices, see the bottom of the post.

Xupo is a way to find, track and secure anything you want to. The battery will last you up to 12 months, depending how often you lose things. You might automatically think it's just a glorified key ring to be chained to your car key, but you'd be wrong. There is a free app which is used in combination with the tracker so that you will also be able know where your stuff is. From the app you can ring your tracker to alert you to whatever it's attached to, so you'll always know which piece of furniture to look behind to find your keys. Scratch that. You can keep your Xupo with literally anything you think you might lose. Stick it in your wallet, backpack, glasses case or even on your phone charger or TV remote. 

Most trackers that I've come across are more of a one way tracking device. I was impressed by the fact that once I paired the Xupo with my phone, you can actually ring your phone from the device by the click of a button. This will certainly come in useful for those few times (more times that I like to admit) I misplace my phone. A map feature on the app is useful to track down your lost belongings even when they've gone out of range. This shows you the last saved location it was connected to your phone. The tracker itself doesn't actually have GPS so it won't be a perfect representation of where it might be, but it'll get you a lot closer than having no idea at all. You can also use the device as a selfie remote when connected to your phone to provide an easy wireless way to get your best angle.

The app is so easy to use and only requires a quick tap to get your reunited with whatever you have lost. At the moment it's only compatible if you have an iPhone but an Android release is in the pipeline. You can see in the middle photo of the three above that a small light comes on when you call, which could be handy if you were looking for something in the dark. The options for using the photo remote and map features are below the main call button so you have everything you need on this one screen. There is also a settings page which lets you name and colour code your tracker for the app, which would come in particularly useful if you had multiple ones for different items. Features can be turned on and off here depending what you want to use your tracker for, as well as checking on the battery level or un-pair it. When you do use the Xupo to call your phone, a notification will pop up along with the call tone as you can see below.

Here's your chance to win your very own Xupo or have one to give as a gift for someone who has a tendency to lose anything and everything. They would also be ideal if you travel a lot and will be more likely to misplace an item. There are a number of ways you can gain an entry, see below for all the details and the terms & conditions.

*This is a PR Sample but all opinions are my own.

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