Cranes Cider Review

Monday 28 August 2017

Cider has become my favoured drink as it's easy drinking and packed full of flavour. Having a cool fruity drink is perfect for the summer months so I was excited when Cranes asked if I'd like to test out some of their ciders. Cranes Cranberry Cider are brewed by founders and twin brothers Ben and Dan. After finishing university, they reunited and formed the brand Cranes. Eight months later with a lot of hard work, their recipe was finally finished and ready for production. The brand name came from the twins dad doing a little research to find out that Cranberries used to be called 'Crane-berries'.

Creating the cider comes from brewing the finest cranberries with apples to make the refreshing naturally light cider that comes in three different flavours: Cranberry & Lime, Blueberry & Apple, and Raspberry & Pomegranate. Cranes Ciders have 30% fewer calories compared to brand leaders, which is made possible by utilising the sweetness of the fruit without being full of sugar. If you fancy picking up your own ciders, you can head over to the Cranes website where you can get a 12 pack of 500ml bottles for £27.60. 

Seen as we've had some lovely weather over the bank holiday, it only seemed right to head out in the sun and set up a BBQ. Having the Cranes Ciders cooling in the fridge meant that they were the perfect accompaniment to the rounds of burgers and chicken. I found them to be a lighter taste than other ciders I've had before which meant they were super refreshing and worked really at the BBQ. Each of the ciders are variations of cranberry cider and all have their own attributes, with some being slightly sweeter than the others. If you enjoy fruity ciders, then I would definitely recommend giving some of the Cranes Ciders a try!

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